Thursday, May 23, 2019

Angelo Magni's Debut Album "Ruah" Brings a Soothing Spiritual Jazz

ANGELO MAGNI is a New York based serial entrepreneur. Originally from Milan, Italy, Boston's Berklee College of Music graduate (class '00) he recorded Ruah after 20 years of musical silence but of eccentric business activity. The only shows he played during these years were international Jeff Buckley tributes. Ruah is a meditative, jazzy insight into Angelo's spirituality. He recorded 6 original songs and 4 covers at the Bunker in Brooklyn, singing and playing piano and guitar, with well known jazz musician Shahzad Ismaily on bass/drums (Ceramic Dog, Lou Reed, Jolie Holland, Damien Rice and many more) and Marcello Allulli on saxophone.
This music is better listened to late at night, with a glass of wine. Think about listening to someone praying. Ethereal harmonies flow up and down and effortlessly bring crescendos with a smooth warm voice that seems to be whispering in your ears. Angelo sings of a relationship of gratitude and God-partnered walk through daily events and people met. Ruah is "the Breath of Life," or "Holy Spirit" in the Christian and Jewish tradition. "Throughout the album I sing about how this spirit brings life, creates situations and ultimately teaches us how to be in touch and united with God," he explains.

Well this relationship with the divine has certainly brought him places. A pilot, he flew all over Europe sponsored by Bose. He built Italy's first indoor skatepark (Trinity Skatepark), six coworking spaces (IF: Idea Factory), managed a resort for pilots (Ca' Del Conte), produced a gadget to quit smoking, ran a modeling agency in LA, and is a volunteer on the Board of Directors of Mary's Meals, an international charitable movement that feeds children in need. His latest venture is a chain of Italian restaurants called "I Love Panzerotti" which opened its first shop on the 8th of April in the Greenwich Village, New York. Basically a fried calzone, each panzerotto sold feeds a child in need.

The album is available on all streaming and downloading platforms and the official title track video is also released today on YouTube at this address:

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