Thursday, October 11, 2007


Sending shockwaves through the industry and the crowd of the Digital Music Conference in Los Angeles yesterday, Microsoft became the latest and largest music retailer to offer DRM-free digital music. Yesterday's announcement comes less than two weeks after launched its own DRM-free digital music store. The Microsoft Music Store will offer consumers more than one million DRM-free songs.

"The industry standard has shifted in the past six months and the tide has turned in favor of consumers," Maura Corbett, a spokesperson for the Digital Freedom Campaign said. "The number of digital music retailers offering DRM-free music will soon outnumber those that do not, and consumers will soon live in a world where they can listen to legally purchased music when, how, and where they want. We congratulate Microsoft for joining the growing number of retailers and labels that have realized the best way to increase the sales of digital music, is to listen to their customers."

Digital technology enables literally anyone and everyone to be a creator, an innovator or an artist -- to produce music, to create cutting-edge videos and photos, and to share their creative work. Digital technology empowers individuals to enjoy these new works when, where, and how they want, and to participate in the artistic process. These are basic freedoms that must be protected and nurtured. The Digital Freedom campaign is dedicated to defending the rights of students, artists, innovators, and consumers to create and make lawful use of new technologies free of unreasonable government restrictions and without fear of costly and abusive lawsuits.

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