Joe Fiedler Trio 2.0, comprised of the imaginative, adventurous and prodigious trombonist, composer and bandleader, Joe Fiedler, first-call guitarist Pete McCann and uber-creative drummer Michael Sarin, proudly present an expressive tour-de-force, which finds these three co-conspirators stretching their melodic and harmonic range, traversing sundry rhythmic trails, and generally sticking their necks out musically, resulting in the singular new album, Dragon Suite (available on Multiphonics Music on March 14, 2025).
After almost two decades of leading his various trios (documented on I’m In, Plays The Music of Albert Mangelsdorff, The Crab and Sacred Chrome Orb), Fiedler finds the format still bears fruit, and remains a configuration which enables him and his collaborators to fully explore and express themselves through Fiedler’s compositions. With Fiedler, we are treated to more of his extended techniques on trombone, not to mention his inviting open and muted sounds. Dragon Suite offers up nine new Fiedler compositions with a twist, a foray into the bass-less trio world.
Fiedler has always been intrigued by bass-less ensembles, especially trios, and relished the challenge the musicians face without that sonic foundation and pulse; each player taking on a much greater role within the music. "Over the years I have been drawn to bass-less trios led by notables such as Paul Motion, Ray Anderson and Ron Miles. I love to study the creative strategies employed for their unique line-ups. However, the trio that really made me want to add my name to the list was Dave Douglas’ Tiny Bell Trio," explains Fiedler. "For me, the biggest difference was in that it wasn’t just amazing improvisors playing a tune together, but a fully orchestrated ensemble with specific arrangements - yet leaving room for each personality to insert their individual musical identity."
When setting out to write this music for Dragon Suite, Tiny Bell Trio, became somewhat of a template for Fiedler. And given that each player would need to carry a larger load - especially with this very challenging music, Fiedler composed every note specifically for his cohorts in The Joe Fiedler Trio 2.0, guitarist Pete McCann, and drummer Michael Sarin. "Both incredible musicians, but somewhat more importantly for this project, trusted friends," stated Fiedler.
Joe Fiedler on Pete McCann: Pete was the very first person to come to mind for Dragon Suite. I have played with him in many different bands for more than twenty years and his creativity and virtuosity are second to none, not to mention the sense of humor and positivity that he brings to the bandstand/studio/hang.
Joe Fiedler on Michael Sarin: Michael Sarin is my all-time favorite drummer and a long-time collaborator and friend. At the outset of this project I briefly thought of using another drummer - for no other reason but to just to change things up, but the more I thought about the complexity of the music that I wanted to compose, I realized that Michael would be the perfect fit. He always is thinking like a composer and he has a unique ability to balance groove, texture and color in real time which was hugely beneficial to this project.